Saturday, September 19, 2009

Holy Shit

I went on the email record with D-Bake and Vargo and said a UW win over #3 USC today would be the biggest win since humbling Miami at home in 1994. Boy am I glad I didn't jinx it.

Holy shit, it feels good to root for a winning team. It's been a while. In oh-eight the Sonics were stolen, the Huskies didn't win a game, the Seahawks were broken, and the M's lost 101 games (that's bad).

Wish I could have been there to rush the field. I would have been celebrating more than just a college football win.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Law School Goes

"Courier" is the required font for legal documents, so I thought I'd use it in this post to give it an air of authenticity. Or maybe it's confirmation of my law-school conformation. Lame! I'll just use it today to be ironic, and then it's back to a different font for the next post. Something revolutionary, like Times New Roman.

Anyways. Law school is going. I haven't mastered a really important technique, which is: getting ahead on reading assignments over the weekend. That will come with time. The workload seems to be about 2-3 hours to prep for each class session. Do the math on a three-class day, and that's up to 9 hours of prep which cannot all be done the day before. Hence, getting ahead on the weekend when free time avails itself.

The classroom experience hasn't been very intense because none of my professors are into the hard-core Socratic Method. Each typically assigns a few people to be the experts in the next class, so you know when you are going to be called on. Even though talking in front of 80 people isn't really my thing, I'm still looking forward to my assigned days. They haven't happened yet.

Even though I've got way less free time, I'm enjoying the newness and intellectual challenge of law school. It HAS lost a bit of its new car smell, and I'm starting to appreciate the 3-year grind I've embarked upon, but it sure beats working. Not sure if it's a good or bad sign that Priya and I have come up with a name for our next cat, if that ever happens: Tortfeasor. His nickname'll be Feasor.

On the home front...well we went to Savannah with Sara and Dan for Labor Day Weekend (hence, not getting ahead in schoolwork). We sat at the pool, ate good food, watched football, went to the beach, drank adult beverages. This weekend, I volunteered at the cat adoption center and watched football when I wasn't reading cases.

Tomorrow is our 6-month wedding anniversary: a mini-milestone! (A milepebble?) (A kilometerstone?)

Monday, August 31, 2009

My Schedule

My goal is to treat law school like a day job, and I've been successful so far. With my first class every day at 10:30, a frequent approach is to wake up around 7:30, drink coffee, read the news and check email. From about 8:00 to 9:30 or so, I do schoolwork or go to the grocery store, then head to class. Aside from a lunch break, I spend my time between classes in the library, and shoot to be home by about 7:00 for dinner. I have typically had a bit more work to do at home after dinner, followed by a TV show or something with Priya and in bed by 11:30. Tues/Thur are my heavy classroom days, so Mon/Wed are heavy schoolwork days in preparation.

10:30-12:00 Legal Methods
2:00-3:15 Contracts

10:30-12:00 Civil Procedure
12:30-1:45 Legal Writing, Research, and Advocacy Program (LWRAP)
2:00-3:30 Torts

10:30-12:00 Legal Methods
2:00-3:15 Contracts

10:30-12:00 Civil Procedure
12:30-1:45 Contracts
2:00-3:30 Torts

10:45-12:00 LWRAP
12:30-2:00 Torts (some weeks this class is cancelled)

Trying to use Saturdays for schoolwork

Trying not to use Sundays for schoolwork

Happy 1st Anniversary to Elizabeth and Graham!!!